”My passion:
sharing knowledge so it grows”
Further inspiration, links to new publications and information on events at which Fiona Liebehenz will be speaking can be found here.

In September, Vahlen Verlag released a professionally recorded audio version of the book "Making the Pace" in cooperation with Bookwire. The 5.15-hour audio book is available on several platforms such as Bookbeat, Spotify, Deezer, Thalia, Google Play Audio and Apple Books.

In the podcast "Unternehmer & Management", Fiona Liebehenz talks with Wolfgang Eck about how to (once again) become a cutting-edge and sustainable pacesetter in one's industry and, from her experience in different industries, what challenges businesses need to overcome on this journey.

The Marketing Club Stuttgart-Heilbronn of the German Marketing Club Association had invited Fiona Liebehenz to give a keynote speech in Stuttgart. She conducted her insightful talk on 6 June in Stuttgart and had an inspiring dialogue and engaged discussion with the guests afterwards.

The expert article "Making the Pace in small to medium-sized companies. How to (re)gain competitiveness" was published in Unternehmeredition.de - Know-how for small to medium-sized companies. It provides specific and concrete inspiration for this demanding target group.

Fiona Liebehenz joins Franca Villarroel's "Ich geh in Führung" podcast. The topic of this episode: "Making the Pace - Rhythm and Transformation" with a focus on successful corporate leadership, the triad to success and what has always energised and motivated Fiona Liebehenz along the way.

In the "Leadership 5.0 - Awakeness for New Leadership" podcast, Fiona Liebehenz talks in a lively dialogue with Dieter Kleppel about the VUCA world, society and the economy and how leaders and managers of all industries are and, above all, remain successful in turbulent and fast-paced times.

The FOCUS online news portal has published the interview entitled "How to orchestrate the beat of success in the company". Fiona Liebehenz shows how successful leadership and management in a complex, fast-paced world is achieved with dynamics, rhythm and beat, and more.

Fabian Schaub interviews Fiona Liebehenz in his "Social Leadership" podcast.
The topic of this episode 260: "Leadership in practice - principles & real talk" with a focus on inspiration on the topics of leadership, corporate management, resilience and character development.
The topic of this episode 260: "Leadership in practice - principles & real talk" with a focus on inspiration on the topics of leadership, corporate management, resilience and character development.

e-tailment - Der Handel's digital commerce magazine - has published the specialist article "Trügerische Sicherheit: Waum auch der Onlinehandel sich neu aufstellen muss" on its website and newsletter. It is aimed at all e-commerce entrepreneurs and enthusiasts.

Fiona Liebehenz talks on the "Clubcast", the podcast of the Marketing Clubs, with Anja Kalischke-Bäuerle. She speaks about the topic "Thrive, lose or just survive - when sales & marketing lead the way to success" and how everyone can effectively shape this path.

The renowned marketing journal Marke 41 of the Marken Institut Munich has published the specialist article “Making the Pace — Successful corporate management with a focus on sales and marketing” from Fiona Liebehenz as feature article in issue 6/2023.

Fiona Liebehenz is a guest on Elizabeth Bachmann's podcast “Speakers who get results.” Here she talks to the North American about “Setting the Pace in Game-Changing Management” and her analogy of her passion for playing the drums.